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Therapeutic Benefits of Frequent Sex (Orgasms)

Number 1
“A little sex is good, and even more sex is better. Frequent weekly sex can reduce the chance of a heart attack by half. Cardiologists consider sexual activity comparable to a modest workout on a treadmill, burning up to 250 calories.” – American Journal of Cardiology

Therapeutic Benefits of Frequent Sex (Orgasms)

Number 2
“Having sex regularly for women can do more than make you feel closer to your partner—it can actually make you physically healthier, including less stress, sounder sleep, minimized pain, fewer colds and better cardio.” – Women’s Health

Therapeutic Benefits of Frequent Sex (Orgasms)

Number 3
“Men who had sex at least twice a week were much less likely to develop heart disease.” – American Heart Association

Therapeutic Benefits of Frequent Sex (Orgasms)

Number 4
“Those who reported the highest frequency of sex enjoyed a death rate half that of the laggards. Having sex even a few times a week reduces risk of heart disease, reduces depression, can cause less frequent colds and flu, provides better bladder control and for men a much healthier prostate.” – British Medical Journal

Therapeutic Benefits of Frequent Sex (Orgasms)

Number 5
“Regular sex reduces the risk of prostate cancer by a full third. Frequent sex is also linked to less aggressive prostate cancer which is more likely to respond to treatment and has a lower likelihood of spreading. Researchers say sex has a protective effect because the prostate secretes the bulk of the fluid in semen and sexual activity can flush out cancer-causing chemicals.” – American Medical Association

Therapeutic Benefits of Frequent Sex (Orgasms)

Number 6
When sex exceeds twelve times per month men are much less likely to develop prostate cancer.” – National Cancer Institute
Seven Secrets Doctors and Drug Companies
Won’t Tell You About Erectile Dysfunction
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